Monday, December 11, 2006

On Sunday evening, my family and I and the daugther of a good friend went down to Jernbanetorget in Oslo (near the Central Station). We were to join the candle-light procession to honour the Nobel Peace Laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus. As part of 200-300 people procession we waited outside the Grand Hotel to greet the prize winners (Dr. Yunus shared this prize with the Grameen Bank).

I just read the speech given by Dr Yunus and am struck by how far he has come in the ways of the Digital Society (my term of course). His ideas around globalisation and the duality of enterprise responsibility - economic and social responsibilities; are very concrete. Will the financial community take up the challenge? Will the Social Stock Exchange be a reality? We have witnessed alternative networks like the World Social Forum as an alternative to World Economic Forum. Can the prize reenergize the drve? Can collaborative technology make the difference?

(On a separate but related note: Can enterprises learn to measure success, performance and productivity in other ways than purely economic? Enterprises are poor at assessing contributions when colleagues help other colleagues; ironically, the measurements in place today effectively dissuade people from reporting any "help". But that's for another post)

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